Thursday, 16 July 2015

Numbers: The Easiest 10 Marks in the Spanish Junior Cert Exam.
I'll say it again...

The EASIEST 10 marks in the Spanish Junior Cert Exam.

The first section of Part III, the written part of the Spanish Junior Certificate exam, is worth ten marks. There are five questions. They are always numbers. 

You are given a number (written in numerals) and asked to write it out in words.
In the last fifteen years there have only been questions in the following categories:

  • Dates
  • Times
  • Years
  • Quantities
  • Ordinal numbers

So, it doesn't take much study time to have those covered, and feel confident about it. Those ten marks could be the difference between grades!

And as if that wasn't easy enough, you can have a list of all the exam questions since 2001.

Here it is compiled by year, and here it is by category.

No excuses left! 

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